Sunday, January 8, 2012


I purchased this book after seeing Rainn Wilson on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday program. While he is extremely witty, he is also very spiritual, smart, and love's pondering life's little mysteries. This book is full of fantastic questions that make you ponder your own beliefs and why we do the things we do.

I had a fantastic time going through this book and reflecting on my own beliefs but had the most fun sitting down with Jeremy one evening to ask him the same questions. It was a great way to get to know each other better and connect. With questions like, "What's more powerful in a song-the music or the lyrics?", "Is unconditional love a myth?", and "What things in life should always remain a mystery?" you have all the makings for a great conversation.

I highly recommend this book for everyone. Very interesting and full of great activities to go along with different subject matter.

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